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Trikke links - caution! this HPV is highly addictive!
TrikkeTech home site - is this a scooter or what? Don't know but it SURE is fun- we love ours!! See the New Trikke 12, the Roadster everyone is talking about
Trikke-fan site
Trikke Academy on Facebook
Kicking bikes
Blau-werk Sidewalkers
Kickbike on line - the original Kicking bicycle
Footbike in Australia
StrideGlide bike
Tretroller shop - shop which specializes in scooters -site has photos, videos and more if you cannot read German.
Xootrs - this claims to be the Rolls Royce of scooters and they have an electric model as well. Rated to carry 300 lbs!
Power assisted scooters
Go Ped - Providing the best in Electric Scooters!